Ba Hons Fashion Business With Foundation Year

Our Learning Resources Centres are open 24/7, which means you can study whenever suits you best. You can take the free shuttle bus or walk there in just 15 minutes. “I'm absolutely loving my time at college and being the course rep. I've had so much encouragement and support from my tutor's. As well as this, as Lichfield College is a creative place to study, we also have our own Wedge Gallery that we open to the public to display your amazing work.

Bioindustry Association Bia

While she may not be in a creative role now, that broad understanding means she can confidently represent the creative teams and make strategic decisions. For years I have been drawing, painting and sculpting - prompting me to study Fine Art BA. And as a result, I have expanded my knowledge and learned more about fine art in greater depth about what I love. I love my routine at university, it gives me both the time to work on my projects thus attend and organise sessions and group works.

Mechanical Engineering Meng

Please note, these option units are indicative of what options may be on offer in Year 3 of this programme but may be subject to change. This unit enables the development of a personal design philosophy, identifying areas of expertise within a specialism, advancing individual practice through design research and specialist material and construction technologies. This unit enables the exploration and evaluation of how existing and emerging technologies impact upon sustainable fashion/sportswear practices. Students will explore future facing fashion/sportswear solutions that utilise technology to provide innovative design, manufacturing and/or communication solutions and concepts that promote positive change.

Chemistry With Teaching International Bsc Hons

It holistically considers the whole process from selecting roles, applications, CV development, interviews, assessment centres. Students are equipped with all the core skills for them to apply and enter the professional career within a marketing related function. The second year sees students develop their professional skills, behaviours and attitudes, whilst furthering their knowledge of customer behaviour. Core units will provide insight into product innovations, examining what is needed to develop a new product and bring it to market, and also digital marketing, particularly in relation to analytics, customer behaviour and market segmentation.


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